Saturday, December 28, 2013

Eleven Months

Our little bug was busy this past month.  Growing, not so gracefully, four more teeth (for a grand total of 6!), exploring her world (she's starting to get sassy with her brothers, grabbing at their faces when they get too close), and even eating dog food!  Her personality is really sort of sassy, sweet, and awesome!  Her first Christmas was so special for us.  It was our first Christmas as a family of five, and she was happy to oblige with ripping up paper!

She is increasingly interested in reading books.  She's especially fond of peek-a-boo, or touch and feel style books, but also really loves books about colors and the book, "Ladybug, Girl." Her favorite mode of transportation is scooting on her butt, and if she ever flops over onto her back, she's pretty much stranded and will just protest until someone rescues her.  We've been working on teaching her how to get out of that predicament, but it's easier for her to protest because he brothers are quick to come to her rescue.  When she's scooting, she's quick to go over to something so she can pull herself up and stand.  She loves standing.  No steps yet, but we're close, I think!  Excited to see what the next month will bring for her - she'll be ONE YEAR OLD!  Time is so precious, and some days it's so hard to remember to soak in all these fleeting moments!

Oops, here she is on her back, and protesting to be helped!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Ten Months

Can you believe it?  Ten whole months have gone by since we welcomed our little girl. 

She's a spunky, sweetheart.  She's not into baby food at all, so she eats mostly table food with the rest of us.  She loves pears, cheese, and her oatmeal.  Crawling is just not her cup of tea, but I'll take the mini-scoot little girl for awhile.  Kids grow up too fast the way it is.  She does, however, like to stand when she's able.  Her activity table is growing on her quickly.  She never has to do much for herself because her big brothers always seem to be running to her rescue, especially O.  He just adores her.  If she tumbles over, he's the first one there trying to help her up.

A few days after turning ten months old, FOUR top teeth broke through (her front teeth and one tooth on either side of them).  She was miserable with her sleep for a few weeks before that, so we were so happy to see them arrive!
Hubs and I both agree that as she gets older, she's going to be a huge troublemaker, of the quiet variety.  Daddy also jokes that she's going to try to get by on her looks her whole life. Ha!   We are going to have our hands full!  We love her more than words can say. It's amazing what children bring to our lives!

Happy Ten Months, Bug!