Sunday, September 1, 2013

That third birthday

I don't know what it is about the third birthday that makes me feel bittersweet.  I feel like when they are just two, they are still so little, and then three comes along and it just makes them seem that much older.  Like they have to actually be a kid and not a toddler.....

Well, that happened to O on Friday.  He turned three.  He's so big.  O has always been the cuddler.  The kid that will just pass out when he's tired.  When he decides to go to sleep, he's out like a light.  He's a clown. Poop jokes are his favorite.  Strong-mindedness often gets him into trouble, and he'll throw a tantrum and just cry for excessive amounts of time.  He is also the trouble maker.  Instigating fights with his older brother is a daily occurrence.  Pushing buttons is a strong suit.  On the flip side, he's *always* the first person to offer a hug, a super kissy face, pouty, kiss, or to whisper not incredibly softly, "Mommy, I LOVE YOU."

He's impossible *not* to love.  So thankful God has given him to us to keep.  Love you, O!

7 months!

Our little girl is growing up!  She turned seven on months on the 28th.  She's right around 15 1/2 pounds, and 26.5 inches long.

She's *finally* starting to enjoy socializing a little more, and doesn't resort to immediate crying when handed off to someone else.  She's still stuck on mommy (which I love!).  She enjoys eating and drinking from a cup (she gets excited and kind of pants for more!).  Current foods:  Sweet potatoes, squash, pear, puffs, rice mum mums, oatmeal, beans, peas, avocado, banana, and bits and pieces of a lot of what we're already eating. 

She loves laughing at her brothers, giving kisses, playing with her little toys {the boys like to throw her "toy parties."}, reading her peek-flap books, sitting, and grabbing whatever she can find.  No teeth yet, but she's chewing like a maniac on everything (napkins, paper, tablecloths, actual teething toys....). There is no interest in rolling over just for fun.  She's rolled from belly to back only once, and that was a complete accident.  Otherwise, she's just growing like a weed, and enriching our lives on a daily basis.  Happy 7 months, bug!