Thursday, September 11, 2008


Blake and I have all kinds of things going on lately:

Yesterday, we had our maternity shoot. I'm excited to see the pictures when they are up, and hopefully I can share some of them with all of you. I'll probably need help picking the ones for the 10 X 20 collage that we won! :) I planned on taking a picture of some of the items involved {watermelon, Bubs Bear, Nebraska onesie} and uploading them in this blog entry, but unfortunately, my computer is out of commission {my reason for being MIA!}. It has come down with an infection of malware and a bunch of other crap that I can't seem to get rid of. Lola to the rescue. Hopefully, I'll be back up and running soon. You are receiving this lovely update via Blake's office. :)

We also have our birthing class this weekend and Monday night. It will be nice to have that out of the way. I've been nesting, doing Bubs' laundry, packing my hospital bag {finally!}, and just trying to get our house clean in general. I'm on my weekly Dr. visits, so that keeps me on my toes in addition to last minute finalization of things for work, still maintaining the search for an organist, and not letting the children's choir drive me crazy. I am becoming increasingly bad about replying to e-mails. I think I reply when I, in fact, don't. About the only the thing I'm still good about is checking the blogs that I read regularly, and even that has been difficult with my sick computer! How irritating....

I hope to be healthily back online soon! :)

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