Thursday, October 7, 2010


Happy 2nd birthday Isaac! I'm not sure where all of that time went, but he sure is a ton of fun {when he's not screaming out of frustration or sleepiness}. I'm really looking forward to watching him continue to grow. Just looking at him, I'm amazed at how much he has changed and grown, even in the past few months. I can't even measure the amount of love I have for him. It's amazing. Here's how we spent his 2nd birthday {since it happened to fall on Daddy's day off!}.

Good morning!
Errands with Mommy

Lunch with Grandma and Grandpa {pizza, ice cream, and singing!}
Nap {drama!}

Pumpkin Patch
Dinner {one of his favorites: meatloaf, potatoes, and corn}, followed by his birthday cupcake {with one green M&M on top}
Present opening, followed by bedtime!

Great day -- Sophie and Owen {note his scowl!} thought so too.


Jennifer said...

Sophie is such a freak!

Jennifer said...

I think Owen gets that scowl look from him mom. :-D Flashback to Taiwan 1997 video and singing karaoke at KTV.