Monday, November 3, 2008


My first ever experience being tagged in the world of blogging (thanks Janelle).

Here goes random facts about me:

1. I really enjoy being a mommy. Sometimes I feel like a bad mom when Isaac is crying and I can't do anything to console him, and I get frustrated. But then he'll smile and coo a couple of hours later, and all is forgotten.

2. I generally hide stress really well from other people, which sometimes allows it to overwhelm me. Some of my big stresses right now: my organist submitted her final resignation for 11/20, which means my maternity leave ends 12 days early; the situation with Blake's dad; worry over being alone with Isaac all weekend while Blake is at a seminar.

3. Lately, I am addicted to Oreo fluff. I make a batch, and it lasts Blake and me about a week. So bad for you, but soooo delicious.

4. Thanks to maternity leave, I've been watching too many talk shows - Dr. Phil, The Doctors, Oprah.....

5. I want to go on Wheel of Fortune. I'm pretty sure I'd win. I'm awesome at solving those puzzles! :)

6. When out in public, I get really embarrassed when Isaac starts crying. Sure, I probably look calm, but inside, I'm freaking out!

7. My hands are currently super dry and cracking from all the hand-washing, despite my best efforts to lotion as often as possible....I just don't want to get my little man sick!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Poo on the substitute organist. Seriously, go take a dump on her front steps.

You will be fine by yourself over the weekend. You'll be surprised.

And we all feel like bad moms out in public when our kids cry. However, it's expected from any kid under 1. But when they're 2, they just look like brats. :)