Monday, February 4, 2008

The bearded man

My brother, Brian, came home this weekend sporting....A BEARD!

Let me first explain that I really do not like facial hair {and mustaches are the creepiest of all!}. I know that some people look good with their faces covered in scruffy pubes, but I think it's gross. Brian's was patchy and disgusting. Thank heavens he shaved it before the weekend was over! My only regret: I didn't get a picture. However, I did find a picture online so that you can re-live my weekend horror: it wasn't that bad...but you get the point. FACIAL HAIR SUCKS!


Jennifer said...

lol! That picture is great. I wish I would have seen Brian. Maybe he and I can work that beard bit into our Amazing Race application.

Unknown said...

I look good.

Anonymous said...

Remember the "cave man" back in your youth?