Remember that chronic eczema Isaac had? Turns out there is more to it than that. Even after the eczema cleared up, he was still suddenly waking, and inconsolably screaming, at night {multiple times, sometimes every hour!} and barely sleeping, {unless he was in his car seat, which is a total no-no; just an act of desperation on the part of some VERY tired parents!}, he has had a runny-ish nose since his cold in January, and occasionally he'll get some hives. He's fussy whenever it's nap time, irritable at other times, and refuses to be put on his back. All issues surface around nap or bed time. The rest of the day, you'd never guess there was anything wrong with him!
The new diagnosis: milk protein sensitivity.
Since he is still 100% breast fed {with a few solids - rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal}, it was advised to cut the solids for two weeks and for mom to stop eating all dairy. Just the obvious for now - milk, yogurt, cheese, butter, ice cream, etc. {boo hiss to all of it}. If it doesn't improve after that, I'll have to avoid even hidden dairy, like those seen here. And if it's not better after that, I have to ditch the nursing and move him over to a soy or allergenic formula. I really hope it never gets that far. There's just something wrong with the born and raised dairy farm girl having to avoid dairy altogether, but Isaac is totally worth it.
Other than the new development, he is doing spectacularly:
Weight: 16lb 8 oz (35%)
Height: 27 3/4 in (90%)
Head Circumference: 17 1/2 in. (60%)
my nephew is kind of the same way. He is allergic to all dairy, even the hidden stuff so we have to be SUPER careful what he eats! I agree, with his Mom and aunts growing up on a dairy farm what a terrible thing to have. Hopefully it won't come to that for little Isaac but don't worry, there are still so many things he can have that are made with soy instead!
p.s. i LOVE his hat! so cute! :)
I don't know about babies, but I switched to rice milk and I like it so much better than skim. Some adults who are sensitive to dairy, drink rice milk.
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