Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wardrobe improvements

In the past week, I've improved my summer maternity wardrobe from one pair of pants to 12 total pieces! A lot of my regular clothes have gone from being uncomfortable, to snug, to just not fitting at all! I think, with last week's purchases, that I'm well on my way to being a cute pregnant lady. That's the goal anyway. Below, some of my favorites {tops and bottoms}:

The striped shirt makes me look slightly more pregnant than I really am, but I still love it.

Ok, so these are not my most flattering pictures but it's late, I didn't do my hair, and I had picked at my face. So sue me. :)


Janelle said...

i love the blue shirt and denim skirt - super cute

Jennifer said...

It's so weird seeing you pregnant! Clothes are cute.

Anonymous said...

O-M-G! :-O Can we say SELF-ABSORBED?