As the dots on the contact paper are only blue and brown, we feel like it's a bit more boy-oriented. On the other hand, it matches our "dot" theme to the nursery. Those facts aside, we're just not sure if it's something we want to keep or if we're better off leaving the doors plain. What do you think? Yay? Nay? Cute if we have a boy? Remove if we have a girl?
We appreciate all comments as we're clearly clueless and impartial {for the most part}. It was just a good waste of time and we felt better {and more efficient} putting that extra paper to use. :)
i think it's super cute. and even if you have a girl, it would still be cute.
I think this is SUPER CUTE!! I think it is still gender neutral! If I ever live somewhere where I can buy a house i am having you come and decorate it!
I think it looks fun.
Looks awesome! :) A+ for your creativity!
Love it! Great idea!
I like it:) and just because you have a girl doesnt mean brown and blue aren't still appropriate:) they're festive!
I like the dots! Boy or girl it works...also makes me think of all the times you and I watched trading spaces in college :)
Definitely cute! Do the other door! ;)
i love it! so cute that I think you should do the other door! :)
I vote yes!!!
I like the dots. Even if you have a girl, you can still keep the them on the door. Very creative and brilliant idea.
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