Friday, April 25, 2008

Vintage baby

I know everything this week has been baby-oriented, but what else can a mother-to-be think about?

I seriously like some of the vintage baby stuff. Clothing, blankets, wood blocks, etc. I really hope that one of this child's dreams at the age of four {or earlier} is to build with Tinkertoys! Also, check out this cute vintage shirt my mom brought over yesterday {I'm not actually sure which one of us wore this, but it's very fitting for our child!}:

She also brought over some blankets that I received as a baby. Wouldn't you know, I've never seen them in my life {one of them even has my name embroidered on it}. But, I like them!


Jennifer said...

The piano shirt totally looks like it came from Taiwan. I should ask mom.

Drew said...

you should totally have your mother make the baby a fruit outfit like you had when you made that coke commercial!!