Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On the mend

The good news: my hand is not broken! :) Hooray! Just a slight sprain and bruising in the knuckles that will take much less time to heal than a broken bone {you can see a little of the swelling around the big scrape and the middle of my pinky, but most of it is on top of my hand}.

The bad news: I'm supposed to keep it in a splint for a few days longer. I can't help it. The splint is uncomfortable, and I keep getting it wet, so I keep taking it off. My hand already looks a lot better today. You would not have wanted to see it a couple of days ago. My legs and right hand are already well on their way to healing. I can't wait until my left hand catches up!


Janelle said...

ew, that's sick. glad you're ok though :-)

Jennifer said...

Sweet picture.

Unknown said...

Wow, that was an appetizing picture to view while eating lunch!! At least it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the pic of Mike's mom after she fell and cracked her nose on a sidewalk - talk about gross, the poor woman! :-/ Glad everything's ok witchu!

Jennifer said...


Lola is so thug, my heart is just about bursting with pride! :) woot!

Unknown said...

Yeah, Poochie, farm girl thug is my "taste" ;)