Also, a big thanks to:
1. The people who designed our auto-read gas meter. We had the utility company stop out today to fix said meter because it had stopped reading our gas usage. That means a super cheap gas bill for us this month! Normally, they would use an average of the previous month's bills, but since we've only been in residence for a month, and the place was vacant before that {new construction}, their rep says they really can't charge us for much. Hooray!
2. The kind strangers who helped push me out of the ditch this evening {Blake and I have both had incidents with snow, ice, and ditches this winter!}. This wet, heavy snow is so slippery. I was only going 20 mph on my way home tonight, ended up spinning out, and came to a rest with one tire just far enough into the ditch that I couldn't drive out. That lovely couple stopped in the crappy weather and then hopped into the ditch and helped me out. I hope they made it home safely as well. I love random acts of kindness. Now it's my turn to pay it forward.
Only going 20 mph? That sounds like a fib. :)
sadly, not a fib at all. I was actually surprised I didn't lose control sooner. I was fishtailing for most of the trip home! The plows hadn't been out on the road yet..... Scary. But my average speed was 20. Slowest was 10. It took me about 45 minutes to get home (over my usual 17 at 55 mph).
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