Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sophie Update

After a really long night, we finally got in with the vet this morning. He thinks she has tonsillitis. His exact phrase was that her throat was "redder than meat." I guess her throat is so swollen that when she swallows anything (including water...even her own saliva!) she ultimately ends up gagging herself, which therefore makes her vomit.

He gave her a shot, and a couple of pills. And for the next few days, I get to give her some liquid medicine with a syringe (the little kid version of amoxicillin --bright pink!). I also have to attempt to get her to swallow a pill once a day for the next five days. And, I get to feed her soft food (think gruel) with a syringe 2-3 times daily until she will eat it without the syringe. Then, I have to wean her back onto solid dog food.

The plus side: She's only thrown up 3 times today. WOOHOO!

It's almost like I have a child....

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Welcome to motherhood! It's funny, when I read your last post I thought to myself, "I have a gazillion syringes in my house" but I didn't have any way to get them to you.

Becks, it's just a preview. :-)